For more information,
Contact the Parish Office at 518-563-0730
Parishioners are invited to assist in various ways at our Masses, whether proclaiming the Word of God, assisting the priests and deacons with distributing the Body of Christ at Communion, or greeting people at the doors as they arrive for weekend Mass.
Music Ministers:
Nate Pultorak (Organ, Choir)
Perry Provost (Guitar)
Jay Lesage (Piano)
For more information,
Contact the Parish Office at 518-563-0730
Holy Cross Parish has a variety of music ministers that provide music at each of the Masses. If you are interested in joining any of the various groups that provide music for our weekend Masses, please contact the Parish office.
For more information,
Contact the Parish Office at 518-563-0730
Beginning at grade 3, students are invited to become servers to assist the priest in the sanctuary. If interested, contact the parish office to inquire about training.
For more information,
Contact the Parish Office at 518-563-0730
This ministry meets with families in time of sorrow to help plan funeral liturgies, support them in their grief, and provide hospitality for the funeral. When planning a funeral, a Bereavement Minister will contact those who are in charge of planning the funeral.
For more information,
Contact the Parish Office at 518-563-0730
This group assists the parish in ensuring that the linens used on our altars are cleaned and properly cared for.